Uterine cancer: the risk of progression in the complex Hyperplasia with monstrosities

Uterine cancer was as the sword of Damocles hanging over my head then I was diagnosed with complex Hyperplasia with monstrosities in 2005. My hyperplasia initially appeared as vaginal bleeding outside my menstrual periods regular. This is the worst kind of endometrial hyperplasia.

Endometrial hyperplasia is a medical term for an abnormal thickening and overgrowth of cells in the glandular lining of the uterus called the endometrium. It may be caused by an imbalance of hormones when there is a chronic lack of progesterone or over-stimulation with estrogen. Endometrial hyperplasia by itself is not cancerous, but there are times when you can get worse than a precursor to endometrial cancer or uterine.

It should be understood that there are several varieties of endometrial hyperplasia and mine had the highest risk of progress to cancer.

Simple hyperplasia is simply a greater thickness in the endometrium with an increase in the number of glands. They can be treated with progesterone supplements, and there is less than 1% chance of progression to cancer.

Complex hyperplasia without monstrosities is a little thicker that simple hyperplasia and glands crowd each other causing some changes in the normal structure of the uterus, but the internal composition of cells is considered normal. Without treatment, 10% of patients progress to endometrial cancer.

Complex Hyperplasia with monstrosities is a variety with architectural anomalies as complex hyperplasia without monstrosities, only cells have odd appearances. Approximately 25-30% of patients in this category will progress to endometrial cancer.

Three obstetra-ginecólogos advised that they undergo complete hysterectomy, the total elimination of my ovaries and uterus to eliminate the risk of uterine cancer. It was a case of complete hysterectomy or anything. Although already did not want more children after giving birth to two girls, feared that the negative effects of an early menopause on my health, family life and marriage.

A friend encouraged me to try the Ayurvedic I did. He became a full vegetarian, I took herbal concoctions and they practiced prayer exercises taught by my doctor of ayurveda India. Others thought that it was a foolish risk worker but my intuition urged me to take advantage of the natural healing power of my body that paid to a certain extent. Abnormal bleeding occurred not once again that my doctors did not expect, but still had a length of 8 to 15 days which was still a sign of hyperplasia menstrual periods.

My ultrasound revealed a benign mass in my uterus 1.7 cm measurement. X 1.7 cm. My obstetrician gynecologist has informed me that it was not yet in the hook. He explained that uterine cancer is like a thief in the night; they can occur at any time even in the menopause. He insisted are still a complete hysterectomy after my futile attempt to have another way. I don't have money to spend such face by surgery, he did not opt for surgery until ten years later.

In September 2010, after my ultrasound results revealed that my benign mass was larger and had frequent menstruation heavy, ultimately suffered complete hysterectomy.

The sword of Damocles is now past and after a long time, now I'm living a life free of fear.

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