Do the bacterial vaginosis e-books really work?

Q. I've been trying to do research on ways to treat and prevent BV and I keep coming across e-books for remedies to cure BV naturally within 3 days. I haven't found any useful reviews because every site that I've been directed to just seems interested in pushing readers to buy the book. Is there anyone who knows a little more information on these e-books? I would like to read a REAL review.

A. I completely understand your question. My answer is don't waste money on the e-books because those people are only trying to get your money, honey. I have been suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis for over a year. I have scoured the internet searching for a solution to my problem. My GYNO was no help when she told me that it was stress related. How can someone not be stressed out when they have discharge and smell like nasty fish. Anyway, I have tried everything from Acidiphilous pills, to douching with hydrogen peroxide, to using unscented Dove soap. Nothing worked at all. I ran across reviews on Amazon for Fem-dophilus. These women were raving about this product. It's a pill forumulated with only the good bacteria for vaginal health. I have been taking them vaginally, and they are great. The bottle says approved by the FDA to take orally, but it wasn't working as well when I was only taking them orally. I ran across this website for a scientific answer as to why inserting them vaginally works better. Be sure to check out slides 6-9. I hope this helps you out.

Can bacterial vaginosis cause fatigue and an overall feeling of malaise?
Q. I have these symptoms each time (about 1-2 times a year). It is an infection, so I was just wondering if anyone else had these symptoms. They clear up along with the vaginosis in a few days of taking clindamycin. The symptoms come before the medication, so they're not from the medication.

A. The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are vaginal discharge and odor. Usually, there are no other symptoms. The amount of vaginal discharge that is considered normal varies from woman to woman. Therefore, any degree of vaginal discharge that is abnormal for a particular woman should be evaluated.

Many women with bacterial vaginosis actually have no symptoms at all. Others experience an unpleasant fishy odor with vaginal discharge. The discharge is usually thin and grayish white. The discharge is often more noticeable after sexual intercourse.

What are some home remedies to get rid of bacterial vaginosis for good?
Q. I've been having it for like three months and I can't go to the doctor because I have no insurance so what are some remedies I can do at home.

A. check out simple home remedies by visiting

What is an all natural way to cure bacterial vaginosis?
Q. Doctors usually prescribe a medication like Metronidizole tablets or vaginal gel, and I've heard that a tea tree oil douche helps with preventing it, but are there other natural remedies to cure or prevent this unusual feminine infection?

A. You can douche with half water, half hydrogen peroxide because the natural bacteria in your vagina produces hydrogen peroxide. (cool huh?) Megadoses of vitamin C seems to be helpful. YOu can take as many grams as it takes to bring you to the brink of diarrhea. I just found this site and I'm trying the vitamin C myself....These two things have seemed to almost stop my symptoms.....I just started the vitamin C and I'm hopeful. I've tried the tea tree oil and it just manages the symptoms. You can spend much money trying to find the right natural cure for you. I"m hopeful this is going to work for me. Good luck

What is bacterial vaginosis? How do you treat it. ?
Q. Is it a seriously infection can it make you infertil or cause cancer?

A. Bacterial Vaginosis is a vaginal infection, one of the most common in the field. There has been some debate as to whether or not it is considered to be a sexually transmitted disease. The experts say no but the infection usually happens right after you have sex with a brand new person. But in the medical community, Bacterial Vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease. The condition is caused by an imbalance in the bacterial flora. Though many people tend to think that Bacterial Vaginosis is a yeast infection and they may start to self treat for it but they are two different things.

Some of the symptoms and signs of Bacterial Vaginosis could be an abnormal discharge from the vagina and along with the discharge is a fishy type of odor. There may be some burning and itching but please keep in mind that every woman is different and the signs and symptoms may not be the same. Some women may experience abdominal pains and others donât. Before you can start treatment you have to be diagnosed by a medical doctor. Bacterial Vaginosis is not something that you want to ignore or mistreat. It could cause infertility and pre-term labor.

You may have to answer some very uncomfortable questions when it comes to your medical exam. The doctor may ask you if the discharge is normal, some women experience a discharge from time to time and have considered it to be normal. The doctor may ask about your sex life so prepared to answer these questions honestly, if you leave something out it may affect your treatment.

In addition to these questions, the doctor will have to do a pelvic exam. Then they will run the results by a lab and see what if any bacteria is present. These exams are good ideas, this way you can rule out a lot of other conditions such as yeast infections and vaginal thrush. Once you have been diagnosed with the condition you may want to know what caused it.

There may be an imbalance in the bodyâs pH levels and that could have been cause by taking an antibiotic for another condition. Sometimes when the pH is not normal, it can cause bacteria and depending on the person, it could spread a lot and form Bacterial Vaginosis and sometimes not. The condition sometimes happens when you are pregnant and will often disappear after pregnancy. As we mentioned it is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease, the most often cause is sex.

Though when pre-teen girls are diagnosed with Bacterial Vaginosis, it is said that the reason may be from Strep or by another bacteria from the anus. This is brought on by lack of hygiene from bathroom behavior. There are some serious complications that can occur if you donât take care of the problem right away. You may experience pre-term labor or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and even Infertility. If you suspect that you have Bacterial Vaginosis or any other problem stemming from the vaginal area, contact your doctor right away.

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