does anyone know of a home remedy for bv?

Q. it keeps coming back and anitbiotics from my dr dont help.. getting so frustrated!

A. I got BV for the first time about two years ago. I had no clue what is was, so I did a lot of research online and found so much info. My first reaction, obviously, was to see a doctor, which I had no insurance, so it ended up being a $500 urgent care visit! They gave me the antibiotics and about 2 months later it came back and it was worse! That's when I started seeing all of the other women's stories online that said this also happened to them. The reason is the antibiotics they give you kill all bacteria, good and bad. But you need the good to keep the bad away. So without the good, the bad end up taking over again. I got permanently cured with hydrogen peroxide douche. I know it sounds SO crazy, but there have been medical studies that say H2O2 kills bad bacteria and promotes growth of good bacteria, because the good bacteria in your vagina actually naturally produces H2O2. I filled a needleless syringe with straight H2O2 (3%) and squirted it (like a douche) into my vagina once a night for 7 nights, just like in the study. It worked. Go to
Click on ailments, find and click on bacterial vaginosis, and there are so many remedies, as well as other womens stories, and what worked for them. If the H2O2 sounds too strange to you, there are other options that helped other women on this site. Good Luck!!!

EDIT: I forgot to add that your pH levels are maintained by the good bacteria. They produce lactic acid, so by using the peroxide it promotes the health of the good bacteria, which keeps your pH in check. And it has been proven that the good bacteria also produce hydrogen peroxide in small amounts, so you would just be helping it along a bit. For a long time, any time I was intimate with my husband, especially oral sex, and after my period, i would do the peroxide douche. Now I'm well balanced and no more problems with BV or yeast infections, which peroxide cures also.

What are some home remedys for BV (Bacterial Vaginosis)?

A. make sure it's not flavored yogurt! get plain. not fruit or vanilla, because the sugar in those can make a yeast infection arise. but she's right.

What is best home remedy for bv?

A. Here are some home remedies that are used for bv

* Garlic

The antifungal and antibacterial qualities found in garlic make it one of the best herbal treatment for bacterial infections, including BV. You can consume deodorized garlic supplement (e.g. consume one or two capsules per day until BV symptoms are gone). You can also put the peeled garlic cloves into a piece of gauze and insert it into the vagina. Many women found that this technique is able to effectively get rid of fish vaginal odor in just a couple of hours.

* Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is widely recognized for its antimicrobial properties. It is one of the popular BV natural cures because itâs effective. You can apply tea tree oil on the vagina by using tea tree oil tampons, douches or suppositories. You can also take a warm sitz bath added with tea tree oil and pure apple cider vinegar. It is one of the most popular home remedies women used to effectively cure BV.

* Goldenseal

Goldenseal contains immunity-boosting properties. Several bioactive substances can be found in Goldenseal. One of those substances is barbering, which exerts antifungal and antibacterial qualities. It helps to get rid of the bacteria that adhere to the vaginal wall. Goldenseal can be obtained as supplement in capsules; it is usually consumed until symptoms of BV disappear.

* Tracheal

Tracheal is a traditional herbal remedy used to restore a normal flow of the internal body fluids, as well as to help remove toxins from the body. Tracheal herbal tea can be prepared by brewing one teaspoon of dried tracheal herbs in 1 cup of hot water. Drink it before bedtime. Tracheal capsules are also available if you prefer a convenient method or donât like the taste of brewed tracheal tea.

Home remedies for BV?
Q. I really dont want to go to the doctor because i am uncomfortable with someone looking at my vagina, but i think i have bv. are there any home remedies for bv? i read that yogurt on a tampon works? I also read that a betadine douche works but i dont have a douche bag

A. There are so many things to address with this question... I listed a few things that may help at the end, but I feel I need to address these points first. First and foremost, you really need to find a doctor your feel comfortable with in order to have pap smears and all sorts of various checks and tests (STDs, various pregnancy issues including delivery, etc) throughout your life. I imagine you would feel better with a female doctor, but you can ask your female friends and family in the area which OB/GYN make them feel really comfortable. It's not important just for this one instance, but for future issues and important tests.

Second, self-diagnosis is a scary thing... you might be right, but you might be way off. For many ailments, there is a minor difference between an everyday issue (yeast infections, sprains, headaches, and such) and a serious medical issue that the everyday person really couldn't see the difference on while a well practiced doctor who can test levels of various things in your body (blood, responses, etc) to see specifically what it is and what it's not.
By diagnosing yourself and treating what you think it is may not cause a major problem (eg. having an uncomfortable feeling for longer than you would have otherwise had it), but it could cause major issues (the extreme example of having cancer that doesn't get treated because you think it's something else). It's better to be safe than sorry.

As far as the rest, you could certainly try any of those options, but if you don't have BV, they may not help. Also, you could buy a douche bag in most drug stores (some empty and refillable, some with something in it)... I'd shop around if you really wanted to try that. You could try taking Probiotics internally instead of (or in addition to) the yogurt on a tampon... even if it's not BV, it'll still help with a yeast infection among other things.
Regardless of any of that, I would really try to get an experienced opinions as to what it is just to be on the safe side. Good luck and I hope I helped!

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